Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Act.

The United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 requires certain business to disclose their efforts to address the issue of forced labour and human trafficking in their business operations and supply chains. The law was designed to increase consumers’ knowledge about products they buy and the companies they choose to support.

This modern slavery statement is made by Hainfort Associates Limited and all affiliates (together, “the Reporting Entities”, “We”, or “Our”) for the reporting period of 1 January 2022 to 31 January 2022.

The Reporting Entities are separate entities and each manages its own affairs. The Reporting Entities follow the Principals and policies to protect against modern slavery, human trafficking and respect for human rights that have been adopted by Hainfort Associates.

Our Commitments.

Hainfort Associates commits to representing human rights as set out in the United National Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organisations ILO) Declaration on fundamental Principals and Rights at Work and adheres to the UN guiding principals on Business and Human Rights, the Voluntary Principals on Security and Human Rights and the International Finance Corporation’s performance standards.

Hainfort Associates conducts our business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, respecting the law and universal human rights to benefit the communities where we work. We place a high priority on the health and safety on our workforce and protection of our assets, communities and the environment.

Hainfort Associates; Human Rights Policy established expectations for managing human rights, including forced labor issues. The policy includes compliance requirements, guidance on training, processes and procedures and tools. The policy applies to the Reporting Entities’ employees, projects and operations.

Supplier Engagement.

The Reporting Entities require our suppliers and contractors to adhere to all domestic laws and expect them to adhere to the ILO’s core labor principals. These principals include the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced and compulsory labour, the abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

Hainfort Associates expect our suppliers an contractors to treat their employees and to interact with communities in ways that respect human rights and adhere to the spirit and intent of our human rights policy.

Annually, we may also communicate with business leadership of our key suppliers, reiterating the importance of respecting human rights.

Supply Chain Risk.

Hainfort Associates work with suppliers to increase accountability and continually improve their performance.

Employees, Suppliers and contractors may communicate workplace concerns to Hainfort Associates’ Audit, Compliance & Risk department which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Training is provided to individuals and groups most likely to encounter issues relating to human rights in the geographies where we do business. The suite of human rights training, which addresses slavery and human trafficking issues, including awareness-raising for employees and contractors, computer based training that targets key groups and regions and location specific training.

Hainfort Associates continues to explore opportunities to enhance human rights due diligence and issue management processes as they apply to suppliers and contractors. As human rights risks for the business community are identified and expectations evolve, Hainfort Associates will adopt its capabilities and systems to address ne challenges and opportunities in order to maintain its commitment to respecting human rights.

This statement was approved by the Hainfort Associates’ board of directors on the 9 November 2018

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